That Was Then/This Is Yesterday

Interview: Wolf Eyes (2003)

Posted in Interviews, Other by wwyork on April 10, 2022

This interview took place in early 2003 after one of Wolf Eyes’ rehearsals. It represents a rare attempt (at least on my part) at interviewing an entire band at once over the telephone—which, as it turns out, is not the brightest idea. On top of that, I somehow forgot to hit the “record” button on my tape recorder until about a half-hour’s worth of the conversation had passed. As a result, there are a few potentially confusing references below to things that had been mentioned earlier in the conversation.


I saw this incarnation of Wolf Eyes (Nate Young, Aaron Dilloway, and John Olson) a handful of times between 2001–2004, and they were often amazing—especially the two Bay Area shows I saw in late 2001, one at Kimo’s in San Francisco and one at the Stork Club in Oakland (with an enthusiastic Grux among the dozen or so people in attendance). I have not really kept up with them since then, but I know they’ve continued churning out multiple new releases per year and are probably still at it as we speak.
